The Deaflympic Committee of Slovakia (DCS) is National sports organization and it has the status of an open, independent and non-political organization that guides the sport of the hearing-impaired athletes and the Deaflympic movement in Slovakia, it participates in the coordination and development of the Deaflympic movement in the world.

The aim of DCS is to apply, ensure and protect group and individual needs realizing the citizen's right to physical activity in the interest of hearing-impaired citizens and to create optimal material and organizational conditions for the development of sports competitions and representatives of Slovakia in international sports of the deaf.
DCS ensures a dignified sports representation of Slovakia at the Deaflympics and other events organized by International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD), the European Deaf Sports Organization (EDSO), the International Chess Committee for the Deaf (ICCD) and the World Golf Federation of the Deaf (WDGF). It supports the integration of the sport of hearing-impaired citizens into the national and international sports movement and at the same time protects its identity.